

#20-An Intro to Plant-Based Eating – Raising The Vibration

June 20, 2022

On this week’s episode of #AlchemizedGlory Podcast, I am joined by @JeffreyBoadi, the founder and creator ofWealth of Health, is a platform dedicated to educating communities on the many benefits of a plant-based lifestyle.Through his work, Jeff provides practical tools and resources to make eating plant-based tangible.

By deep-diving into the research on plant-based eating and through practical application, Jeff has been able to curate recipes and tips on incorporating culturally sourced, nutrient-rich foods, reminding us that eating plant-based can be accessible and inclusive of all the things we love.I hope this episode is a beautiful reminder to look within our communities for plant-based options and empowers us to take control of how we nourish our bodies.If you are interested in taking action on starting a journey to incorporating more whole foods and plants into your diet,Jeff curated an ebook aptly named ‘Eat More Plants’ that features several recipes and the associated nutritional information, to help you get started.

The ebook is available at http://thewealthofhealth.co.uk – please also refer to @JeffreyBoadi’s page for additional details!

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Jeffery Boadi

You know, plant based or mostly plant based or whatever, it can be confusing, and there is a lot of information out there and it can get overwhelming but what I will say is that the first thing to do is find like a concrete reason as to why you want to shift your diet is you know, are you trying to, you know, add some years on to your life are you wanting to be an example someone in your family are you wanting to just you know, get healthier, you’re not feeling great or you know, you’re struggling with certain you know, early stages of chronic disease or whatever and you want to just kind of shift everything in into a better place I think finding that why is really really strong I think my why was ultimately I’ve never really been shown any of this information that I came across about how Why could he could potentially affect


Can you relate to feeling bombarded with information, marketing and so many different alternatives and choices when it comes to food? Also, have you ever thought about incorporating more plants into your meals but are unsure of where or how to start? Hello beautiful ones, and welcome or welcome back to the Alchemized Glory Collective. I’m Shanique, the host and curator of the Alchemized Glory Collective. I want to take the time to thank you. Thank you so so much for tuning in to this week’s episode. I just know that whenever you are hearing this episode, it is the right timing and everything is unfolding beautifully. In this episode, I’m talking with Jeff Boadi of Wealth of Health to discuss the benefits of a whole food plant based lifestyle, how to incorporate daily and consistent habits that are going to optimize health and becoming empowered to be our own advocates within our communities and families for a whole food plant based lifestyle. If you’d like more information on how to get started with a whole food plant based lifestyle, Jeff has a ebook called Eat More Plants, which features several different plant based recipes. Along with their supplementary nutritional information. He also has a beautifully curated community called the Wealth of Health and through his social media presence, he is an advocate for a healthy plant based lifestyle. And through his work, you know, it’s just a beautiful reminder that it is possible to regain control of our health by making lifestyle choices that are consistent with a whole nourishment approach that’s going to lead to optimal vitality. If you’d like to support Jeff and follow along with his work, you can find him at the wealthofhealth.co.uk or on Instagram and Twitter at IG:JefferyBadi.. I just want to plug this as a little reminder that information provided here serves for informational purposes and does not substitute care or advice from your health care provider. With that being said, sit back grab your tea, light your incense and enjoy the episode.

Shanique – 3:14  

Welcome, welcome to my guest this week Jeffrey Boadi. Jeff is a plant based nutrition and wellness advocate who believes in the power of plants for optimal health and healing. Anyone who is on social media on Instagram or Twitter sees the colorful delectable plates that Jeffrey prepares and shares. He has a Eat More Plants recipe book as well. So he is here today to kind of really highlight the importance of a whole food plant based diet in our communities. Welcome, Jeffrey, thank you so much for being here.

Jeff –  3:52  

Thank you for having me really good to really excited to do this, and then talk about all things plant based wellness should be good.

Shanique –  3:59  

I’m excited as well, because I think in an era of you know, there’s a lot of uncertainty around health right now not a lot of conversations around health and how to really optimize our health for immunity and different like rogue cells that can kind of impact us but I think starting with food is literally so so important and fundamental for our physiology. Tell us about Wealth of Health UK and how you got started.

Jeff –  4:31  

So I guess the Wealth of Health is kind of like –  that’s my blog. And that’s kind of where I, I guess host a lot of my material in terms of blog posts recipes at my ebook there as well. I guess it all came about in 2017. And I came across a documentary called What the Health and at the time I was becoming quite inquisitive about certain things and becoming quite open and whereas previously I was quite rigid in my beliefs. And I watched a documentary and it completely like shifted my mindset when it came to kind of diet, nutrition and links between what we eat and how we can develop potential certain diseases. And it was literally it was just the biggest eye opener like I couldn’t really believe what I was watching in a way. And it kind of just, put me on the journey to kind of moving toward what I say moving towards, literally overnight, a shift towards plant based, I cut everything out overnight. And I remember the last meal that I ate, which was like a prawn stew with like spaghetti, something which is really nice. But that was the last time that I’d seen animal products. So yeah, and then kind of just went on this journey. If I was like, right, you know, meats out of the diet – now, how can I kind of optimized my diet. I still train; I still wanted to keep strong, with performance, recovery, that kind of stuff, longevity. So kind of really just went down this rabbit hole of you know, reading the scientific research, reading books, podcasts, videos, really just arming myself with a lot of knowledge to be able to kind of implement it into my life and start to see the benefits. And it’s interesting, because what I always say to people, what was quite interesting, when they asked me how to go plant based, I actually tell them not to watch documentaries, or don’t take them to literally, which is quite ironic, because it was a documentary that shifted my landscape completely. Because some of them, you know, they can be, you know, quiet – what’s the word, I guess, overly persuasive in a way. But having said that, like the I went down the rabbit hole of doing the research scientifically to kind of really know, build a strong foundation of knowledge, let me know that this decision I made was ultimately the right one. And then since then, I’ve just been on the path to you know, kind of sharing recipes, sharing information, sharing education with the community, grow my Instagram, and my Twitter and really just kind of showing people the benefits, I just want you to food as well, because you know, we will love food was something that I’m today showing people the kind of food that can be eaten on a plant based diet, because there is this perception that it can be quite boring and bland, but just kind of you know, busting those myths and showing people that you know, there’s it’s full of flavors, full of nutrition, and it is a really, really healthy way to eat. So that’s kind of how I got started with everything I’m doing.

Shanique –  6:59  

I love how you say that eating plant based can get redundant because I think when I first started like incorporating more whole food plant based, like heavy on the sweet potatoes and lentils and like, I was like over kale. I couldn’t do it anymore. But seeing like your page, and just like the recipes and things like that sort of allowed me to expand my like awareness of what I can eat. And something that you mentioned one time was you tried to like, I think it was like 25 or plus different?

Jeff –  7:33  

Oh, yeah, yeah, try and get as many different plants in the week. Yeah, I was doing another challenge actually getting some more people involved, because that’s a really like, because it’s so easy to get into the kind of habit of eating the same things over and over and over again. So set yourself a goal of right, I’m going to eat 35 to 40 different plants this week, that will push you outside of your comfort zone. And then you’re going to start to you know, go to the supermarket or the grocery store as you guys call it in the US and pick up different things that you may not have eaten before getting the same stuff that you know works well. But then you start to get bored of it. So and I like that. And ultimately what that does is actually really does benefit your gut bacteria. Because the bacteria that we’re having, I’ve got thrive off all of the different types of fiber that is present in different plant foods. So actually eating a very diverse range is really, really beneficial, not just from the perspective of it being fun and keeping things creative but from terms of your gut health and really optimizing that. I think

Shanique –  8:28  

I think adding that like variety and diversity really does help the biome but when I did it, I was actually shocked. I’m like, damn, I’m like stuck at like 10 Like, like, what else can I add? (Laughs.) That literally like challenge me to be like, Okay, I have never cooked eggplant before? I don’t know, like, what to do with this. Yeah. And it just forces you to really challenge yourself in that way.

Jeff –  8:54  

Yeah – outside Your Comfort Zone, essentially, because you just get stuck in the same kind of 5-10 things each day. And I guess what I will say is that this is what I wasn’t kind of aware of the whole importance of diversity when I first started because I wasn’t very much mono eating like eating the same things. So yeah, maybe one or two types of beans. And that was you know, broccoli base, I was kind of eating the vegetables that I already knew about and maybe just adding a few more into that was I guess, you know, a big factor in doing a lot of the research to really find out about all these other plant foods that I could get into my diet as well.

Shanique –  9:26  

I wanted to touch on a little bit also on the documentary said that kind of like shifted your perspective dramatically. I had to revisit that [documentary] too because sometimes you don’t really understand like what is going on and we kind of lost that connection to making our food and being like the growers of our food connected to where it’s coming from knowing the farmers, things of that nature. For people who you know, are wanting to start a whole food plant based diet, can you describe like, what exactly is it because there’s so many different diet out there like, I think I’ve seen like keto, like take hold on, like social media and YouTube – Paleo, Mediterranean diets like what exactly is it about the whole food plant based diet for people who have not seen what the health and see how transformative it is to disease?

Jeff –  10:19  

Yeah, so essentially a whole food plant based diet is a diet that eliminates animal products, but focuses on whole foods, so whole unprocessed foods, so you obviously the vegan diet, but that could include a lot of processed foods, you know, things like Oreos, and different chips and crisps and that kind of stuff. But the where that sort of whole food plant based diet is so beneficial was that it focuses on processed foods. So you get a plethora of vitamins, nutrients, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants, you know, the different colored foods, different anthocyanins and all those kinds of things that are really beneficial for us for cellular health. And that’s really where people you know, when I kind of talk a lot about what I do, I want people to shift in that direction, because it’s no good, removing the animal products from your plate, but then just from, you know, replacing them with either your, you know, these mock meats, these meat imitation foods or processed foods, you’d actually probably be better off staying eating animal products, because, you know, meat does have nutrition, let’s you know, let’s be honest with ourselves here, I’m not going to be dogmatic and like certain portions of the vegan community who say that all meat is bad, like, you know, let’s be honest, like meat has nourished a lot of people and still will nourish a lot of people. But of course, it’s the degrees to which you eat it, that can be the big problem. And of course, if you’re eating processed types of meat, and over huge amounts of red meat, that’s where the issues lie. So it’s all about focusing on the whole food. So you’ve got your six categories, you’ve got your nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. And I guess you could probably put mushrooms in as a seventh category as well. So focusing on those foods is really where you’re going to get maximum value in terms of nutrition. And you’re just going to start to feel alive. Like honestly, within two to three weeks, I was so much energy I was sleeping better. I had quicker recovery in terms of from the gym. And I’d cut specifically, I guess I wasn’t someone who really ate many processed foods anyway. But I guess shifting to this lifestyle really kind of really zeroed in on making sure that I’m eating plenty of Whole Foods, plenty of like quinoa, lentils, potatoes, root vegetables like that, you know, broccoli loads of dark leafy greens, that leafy greens are like one of the healthiest foods on the planet, really, you know, berries, there’s such a wide variety of food. And that’s really what you should be focusing on. And then I guess in terms of like, you know, the labels can kind of skew things a little bit, it’s important to realize that, you know, when it comes like the term PLANT BASED can have like, for example, the Mediterranean diet is essentially a version of a plant based diet. And yes, it does have a little bit of fish in there. But I don’t think it’s you know, it doesn’t help to be dogmatic in a way where it’s like plant based should just be 100% plants, if you’re eating 90 or 95% plants with a small amount of fish or meat on the side, that in essence is a plant based diet. So it’s a diet essentially focuses where you had to these whole plant foods first before anything else.

Shanique –  13:01  

I like that you touched on how it helps you with your sleep. Like you just noticed the changes in your body. Yeah, I think our argument that I hear often is, you know, like going vegan, like, what about protein? I don’t know how it is like in the UK. But yeah, like in the US, like people are obsessed with like protein like, yeah, yeah, chicken breasts, like it’s just like ridiculous. Like, at the gym, you have to like, eat three chicken breasts, like after your workout.

Jeff –  13:32  

I was the same – it’s the same in the UK, I was literally the same. And it’s funny because when I, I guess maybe around five, four or five years before I went vegan, I’d had it mentioned to me by someone who was doing it. And my first immediate thought was, where am I going to get my protein? I can’t do that. That’s ridiculous. Because we’ve been socially conditioned to believe that we need tons of eggs in the morning, tons of fish, tons of meat, protein, protein protein, so it becomes almost an obsession. It was almost as if it’s like the only macronutrient or the only aspect of food that matters, getting your protein. And then of course, as you mentioned, when you you know, you push it into the gym environment, you have to almost like triple the amount of protein that you supposedly need. Actually, the other day posts on Instagram about this yesterday, just talking about, you know, it’s very easy to get 200 grams a day of protein on a vegan diet, not that you’d actually need that much. To be honest, I really think that’s over the actual like recommended amount, or to be fed the recommended amount for the average person, someone I guess who isn’t training, I think it’s 46 grams a day for women and 54 grams a day for men. I guess if you’re training, there’s some science out there that shows between 1.6 grams and 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight or is a good amount to stimulate muscle protein synthesis which you’ll see the the growing of the muscles, you know, sponsor resistance training. So, you know, I don’t think you know, 200 grams is actually just a very, very high amount. We don’t need that – I probably get around – i’m around 90 kg, so I probably get around maybe 140 150 kilograms a day and I’ve had no issue with building muscle. But of course, then we have to discuss which foods are the ones that we need to be going for. And where I mentioned about the social conditioning is that you know, foods like lentils, beans, chickpeas, tofu, tempeh, these foods have been around for literally forever. So I’ve never heard of them, it’s conditioning telling us that all we need is meat, meat, meat, you know. So, I think that’s starting to break down a little bit. I do believe I think you know, even people who aren’t necessarily vegan, you know, shifting more towards complementing a lot of their animal protein with plant based protein sources, because A, you know, they’re full of fiber, which animal protein doesn’t have. And B, they just leave you a lot lighter. In my, in my experience, I felt a lot lighter eating a lot more plant with protein.

Shanique  15:51  

I agree, I concur with that. I want you to touch a little bit on things like beyond meat, impossible meat. I found this other page on Instagrams called just ingredients, not sure if you’re familiar, but it literally takes like almond milk, for instance and it just shows you all the different gums, and different things that are in it. And like an alternative that’s just literally like sea salt, almonds and water, which is essentially what almond milk is. So what is your opinion or perspective on some of these, like alternate or alternative meats or, you know, trying to like make bacon out of plants and different things like that? Like, what do you think the kind of trap is? And like, how do we prevent ourselves from kind of going down that route? Because let’s be honest, it is convenient, you’re trying to like, make a bolognese and you just use a beyond beef for analternative. What is your perspective on that?

Jeff  16:52  

Yeah. So it’s interesting that you you labeled it a trap, because actually, I do really think it is a trap. I think, you know, the convenience culture is what is put society in a real sticky point, when it comes to overall health, you know, we grab what we want, we grab what you can get as quickly as we can, no rule kind of thought process as to whether it’s going to nourish our bodies, whether it’s going to be healthy, and what’s in it. And obviously, in a capitalist society where everyone’s working, working, working, we need food quickly, and we need it now. But I think when it comes to plant based food, there’s this misconception that all because it’s vegan, it’s okay, like beyond me, oh, it’s plant based. So it’s, Oh, it’s okay. It’s still processed food. At the end of the day. If you look at that list of ingredients, that’s not a list of ingredients, that makes for really good viewing. And of course, like eating one or two Beyond Meat burgers, every now and again, isn’t going to do too much harm. But I just think that people really need to switch their focus, and you know, really zero in on the fact that you want to do this properly, you want to feel vital, you want to feel healthy, you want to have vibrancy, stick to the whole foods. Yeah, it means a lot of cooking. And of course, you know, we want to get out of that we want to, you know, society wants to have things done quickly, he wants to have that, you know, the quick option. But that’s not going to serve us in the long run, we have to get used to, you know, being our own chef cooking up food. And honestly, before I went for a plant based, I was never much of a chef at all, it was literally like the extent of my cooking was chicken breast and, you know, sweet potato and broccoli. But once I got used to it once to, you know, gain an understanding of the fact that if I want to do this properly, I’m going to have to cook a lot more my meals actually fell in love with the process of cooking. And that’s why I actually really enjoy it now. So I think, you know, every now and again beyond meat, if you want to eat that fine, but we can’t kill ourselves into believing that these foods are healthy because ultimately they’re not I mean, healthy compared to what like, yeah, yeah, it’s for me stick to the whole foods. And that’s where you’re gonna get the most bang for your buck.

Shanique  18:47  

I love that. Yeah, I think it’s turning food from just like a ritual that you do, like you have three meals a day and and then like shifting your mindset that this is not just like a theater performance, that we’re just doing it to do it like we’re eating for a reason, you know what I mean? 

Unknown Speaker  19:05  

I think you know, people that again, think cooking healthy food is boring. And food should be you know, seen as entertainment and things like that. And I think you can see you can entertain with your food, but you can also prioritize it as fuel, like a lot of the food that I eat is, is essentially I prioritize it, this is mainly fuel. But of course, I want to make it look a certain way to make it appealing and add the herbs and the spices and the flavors to make sure that people are actually interested in and actually you want to start eating this way. So yeah, it’s just really got to just focus on getting those Whole Foods and see those beyond meats and the impossible burgers is just like something to have as maybe a treat if you really want to. I used to have them very very occasionally as like as a treat or whatever. But even then my stomach just wouldn’t really it didn’t really get off the eating them. So and this was even once every once in a blue moon. It wasn’t like I was eating them regularly. So I just thought there’s actually no point in me continuing to eat this if I’m not going to feel good even if it’s just a treat, so I just, I don’t really eat them too much anymore.

Shanique  20:04  

Yeah, thank you for sharing that. I want to talk about what was like the process of you getting the research and fundamentally shifting your diet. I think like one of the biggest disadvantages sometimes is that, you know, we’re kind of rooted in of just a state of just go, go go. So you don’t really have the time to sit down and watch the documentary or read the scientific article and things like that. So what are some like applicable, like practical steps that you can provide to really like just transforming your diet to where it’s not feeling overwhelming, like, you have to throw away your whole pantry? And you’re like, oh, like, should I just drink water? Like tea? Is that all right?

Jeff  20:47  

Yeah, no, it’s a good question. Because I think, you know, healthy eating, whether it’s, you know, plant based, or mostly plant based, or whatever, it can be confusing. And there is a lot of information out there and it can get overwhelming, but what I will say is that, the first thing to do is find like a concrete reason as to why you want to shift your diet is, you know, are you trying to add some years on to your life are you wanting to be an example for someone in your family are you wanting to just, you know, get healthier, you’re not feeling great, uh, you know, you’re struggling with certain, you know, early stages of chronic disease or whatever, and you want to just kind of shift everything into a better place. I think finding that why is really, really strong, I think my why was ultimately I’ve never really been shown any of this information I came across about how what I can eat could potentially affect my health. So that was always rooted in that. And I still today, and I almost feel like being you’re trying to portray a healthy lifestyle is almost like, it’s very empowering assumes that I’m not going to let myself be controlled by external influences. I’m making all the decisions when it comes to my life. So I’m, like, firmly rooted in that. And then the next thing I’d say is for someone to not get overwhelmed, just take it day by day, like, don’t think too far in the future, don’t see it as a diet as well. Because if you see it as purely a diet, you’re going to, you’re going to shift yourself, instead of, oh, I can’t have this, or I shouldn’t eat this, this is bad, or you start to label food in a different way. But you see it as a lifestyle, you know, that you’re just gonna, you know, operate from a place of, right, I’m going to do the right things consistently. And literally, every now and again, it’s actually okay, because I know when it comes, you know, whether it’s on the weekend, come down to Monday morning, I’m looking back on it, because this is my lifestyle, this is how I live. So I don’t need a perfect day, you know, on a weekend, I may have some like vegan ice cream every now and again, or some other sweets or something like that. But I know like, it’s just something that I’m doing, you know, on occasion, because my lifestyle is consistent. And what I do, it’s all about doing the right I guess the right things, or the things that are going to push you forward more often than not, it’s not about perfection. And a lot of people see it, as they need to strive for perfection. And when you strive for doing that, because Perfection doesn’t exist, you’re gonna fall, you’re gonna fall flat on your face. So, you know, literally one day at a time, even if it’s one meal at a time, just do you know, get four or five recipes under your belt, get comfortable with cooking those and then you can just, you know, Snowball from there, really? So I’d say those are kind of two or three practical tips that I think would really help.

Shanique  23:09  

I love that. Yeah, like, get on YouTube University always tells me all the answers on like, we live in a time where there is literally unlimited amounts of information, and I guess it can go overwhelming. But on the other hand, it means that we have no excuse, really, because the information is there. Yeah, looking for reputable sources, like plenty of reputable sources out there people who truly want to help people don’t have an agenda. And you know, you’re able to kind of take information and take what you feel is logical for you not take everything that everyone does, you can just bits of things that you think might work for you implement them, and then see how you go from there.

Shanique  23:47  

I love that you say that, like, literally we’re living in the information age. Yeah. And I think the other day I like tweeted something I was like, in the age of information, I think not wanting to find the answers is a choice.

Jeff  24:01  

Like, yeah, exactly. It is, ultimately is because everything is out there for us. Like we live in this this digital age where, you know, it’s it’s almost crazy to think about how you know, things move forward. And you’ve we’ve literally got these supercomputers in our pocket, where we can just find the information at the touch of a button is actually crazy to think about, but it can empower us in so many ways. And we don’t necessarily have to rely on a lot of experts to kind of, you know, lead us or guidance and our decisions. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of the programming to like when I revisited like what the hell, it just brought me back to like, the age where it was the milk ads and remedies were promoting milk or the other day I saw like a meme and it was like a school in America was really wild. We would go to the gym and then go to lunch and have milk and pizza and a hamburger and I was like, Oh my God, that’s actually true. Like there were no good options. So it’s just being patient with yourself when you unlearn. is what I found, because you do kind of get overwhelmed with all the different options that you can do. But I think when you break it down to like small things that you can your morning smoothie or tea, or you have like one staple lunch, like I have like this salad that I just always go back to, because I’m like, first of all, it’s delicious. And good for me. 

Jeff  25:25  

So exactly. It doesn’t have to be complicated, like, oh, so I’m on my social media, I always talk about how much I love eating oatmeal. I will never get bored of oatmeal ever. Like I will be eating oatmeal when I’m 112. Like so easy. And you know, like what you’re gonna get with it, you’re going to get a mineral rich grain, you’re going to get something that’s going to provide you good quality complex carbohydrates, rice up with, you know, different berries. Yeah, these like, the topping potential is unlimited. So, you know, you can just get comfortable with one thing and then kind of just manipulate in a way that you feel comfortable with, you know, so that’s why I always say just oatmeal for breakfast, or even a smoothie smoothie, so easy. Put it in the long bar, and you’re good to go. You know, just find ingredients that you like.

Shanique  26:07  

Yeah, exactly. So in the age of respiratory illness, there’s this ease. Everyone has been living through this for the past two years a global pandemic that is based on health. And it seems like the most dire outcomes are for those who kind of have comorbidities different things like that. Yeah, I think now is like the most important time to make this shift towards your health and optimizing your health. But I’ve also seen that you’ve talked about different like supplements that you use, like vitamin D, can you talk about what why is it important to supplement? So just kind of like what is your perspective on different supplements that we can take to you know, kind of boost our immune systems that we could just do to optimize?

Jeff  26:57  

Well, Vitamin D and K2 that’s for me, that’s one that everyone should take not just if you’re shifting towards a plant based diet and why K2 is important is that it helps vitamin D helps regulate calcium absorption in our gut. But if that calcium is absorbed without case and plug them directly into the bones, it will be you know free flowing in our blood vessels and our muscle tissue. So I think has something for immunity that everyone should be on in the winter. What else do I take? I have a super greens powder which is very, very like rich in minerals and nutrients. Magnesium is another one that is key – magnesium is something that everyone again should really take in most of us are even deficient in as well.

I personally use a liposomal one which is the liquid one. So I think a spray could work pretty well and get it under the tongue. You know, take it sublingually so its absorbed into the bloodstream. It’s magnesium is key. B vitamins are absolutely key particularly if you’re on a plant based diet B12 is one that you can’t get from animal products from plant foods really, to take an a B12 supplement, you know for nerve function, red blood cell production, to prevent fatigue, nerve damage or those types of things. And honestly, there are so many but I think I don’t want to overwhelm people because I think the key ones to take our you know vitamin D, especially if you’re on a plant based diet, you want to look to get an Omega-3, you want to look to go for the longer chain DHA and EPA forms you want to get that for brain health, eye health, high health, you know that Omega-3 is a key. I think, you know, a large portion of our brain is making DHA. And there’s a lot of you know, a lot of people speak about the fact that you can convert the DHA and EPA. So you can convert the ALS short chain fats from like chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, into the longer chain fats. But there is a lot of science out there that shows that that conversion rate can be quite low, depending on your Omega-6 status. But I think again, taking a DHA – EPA supplement is a smart move. And then there are other ones for like detoxification. So you’ve got NAC and acetyl cysteine, which is something that I’ve started taking maybe in the last couple of months. What that does is that increases the amount of glutathione in the body, which is the master antioxidant. So again, making sure that you’re you know, keeping your body as strong as possible. NAC is another good one potentially that people could use it smarter supplement your diet. It’s not a case of oh, you know, you’re you’re supplementing which means that your your diet is poor or, or lacks in nutrients. I think it’s 2021 I think, you know, a lot of our foods aren’t as nutritionally rich as they were maybe 100 years ago. So to keep yourself not just at a baseline level of health but in optimal health, I suppose. kind of fill that gap. 

Shanique  29:34  

So thank you for that answer. I feel like that is just an area that doesn’t get too much kind of like I don’t know where to start with that. But I just kind of like break it down. I’m like okay, I definitely know I need vitamin D. I also do like the B12. Like you said it helps you bring it to the optimum because our foods definitely are not. Yeah, drained, dense as they used to be Exactly,

Jeff  30:00  

yeah, that’s the thing. And I said like things like vitamin D, like I did a blood test recently. And my vitamin D came back in optimal range. And I take, usually in summer, if there’s sun around, I usually take maybe 2500 IU per day, but in the winter or like double down, I go to like 5000 or 6000. So I feel like the fact that my blood tests came back in the optimal range shows that I’m vindicated in, you know, make sure that he is a critical part of my armory. So and I think it should be a critical, critical part of everyone’s armory as well.

Shanique  30:30  

I love that. What is next for wealth of health, like how do you plan to expand? And just what can we expect to see are we going to see more recipe books?

Jeff  30:42  

Yes, I’ve got a few ideas in the pipeline, I’m fortunate enough that I’ve been able to kind of work with a lot of brands and on certain campaigns, which has been great, but I definitely feel like I liked the fact that I have my own product on my website, I definitely do foresee more recipe, recipe books, whether they’re ebooks or physical books, I would love to get physical book out as well. And I don’t think the podcast will be on the cards definitely in the near future, I do think it’d be great to kind of, you know, what you’re doing, you know, really have these long phone conversations about health wellness, I get some really interesting guests on there, again, because I think one thing that’s great about the podcast is that it can reach so many people. And my aim is to reach as many people as possible in some of the benefits of a whole food plant based diet, and just generally taking control of your own health. So I definitely foresee a podcast for sure. And then who knows where it goes from there, you know, whether, you know, books, public speaking, I’ve got something I want to kind of expand and really get the message out there. Because what I guess one of the things that I have said, you know, a number of times is that whilst I’m fortunate to work with a lot of brands, and which is great, one of the things that really does kind of just give me such a good feeling is being able to inspire others. So receiving messages from people when they say, oh, you know, your posts, you know, I study your page, like a book, or your posts have really helped me

Shanique  31:58  

literally like a book. Yeah. Honestly, those folders screenshot.

Jeff  32:06  

Honestly, it’s like, it’s very, it’s almost like surreal, because I was someone who maybe didn’t really I wasn’t really a fan of social media. But having seen how positive a tool it can be in terms of inspiring people to cook better, or to make, you know, be more mindful and more, you know, have more discernment about the choices that they’re making for health. Yeah, what’s really driving me forward. And I think, you know, when it comes to health, we’re not going to get, you know, positive messages from authority figures in to push us in the right direction, we’re just not. And I think that’s something that a lot of people need to come to terms with. So that’s where I’m wanting to wanting to fill a gap to kind of provide people with that information that’s really going to help them benefit their, you know, their lives. And then as they can continue to benefit, you know, the lives of others in the family, their friendship groups, as well, and just kind of spreading that word and starting that snowball effect. 

Shanique  32:53  

So yeah, thank you. What is one key piece of information that we can implement right now? And I think another kind of layer two, that question is, how can we also kind of be an advocate? Because I share your page all the time, but I also want to, you know, kind of help my family who, yeah, where’d you make him? The kind of the foods that we grew up eating? You know, some of them are, like, really, like, when you think about it are super healthy, but then some of them are not. So it’s like that. Yeah. How can we be our own advocates in our community? What do you recommend for us,

Jeff  33:29  

I would say, just realizing that you know, a lot of your health, you know, outcomes are actually in your hands, like, literally, based on our lifestyle, what we eat, how we move, how we think, whether we can reduce stress, what our environmental low toxicity around us is like, and that toxic load. And we understanding that that’s a factor that’s that’s been documented in studies, I think there was a Danish twin study that showed that they live two different lifestyles and showed that, you know, just because they were twins doesn’t mean that they were genetically predisposed, have the same health outcomes. They’re two different lifestyles, that meant two different outcomes. So that’s really, really powerful stuff. And I think unlearning a lot of the fact that, you know, the doctor is here to save you, you can actually save yourself, you know, all it takes is just that education, that willingness to shift your habits. And I’m not gonna sit here and pretend that shifting habits isn’t hard, it’s actually very difficult. And when they’ve been rooted into us for so long. Once you start to do that, and you start to go on that journey, you can really like achieve some amazing things. And another thing that I would say is that many people who do go on a journey, they often meet resistance from their fat friends and family from the outset for the start, just accept it, that’s fine. You know, their time will come keep doing what you’re doing. Keep you know, trying to make healthy changes on a day to day basis, don’t overwhelm yourself. And ultimately, those people who may be mocking you at the start will be asking you questions further down the line. So just keep, keep doing what you’re doing. And you can then go on into a spiral.

Shanique  34:54  

It’s sort of I love that study, too. It’s like the sort of nature versus nurture like your environment. Like, is it truly like genetically predispositioned? For you, those are definitely great ways that we can advocate for ourselves. And I love to say also like embodiment is the best sort of way that you can inspire others. Like if you are embodying, eating healthy or a spiritual practice, people are gonna be like, do you do that? truly embody it, then it serves as a true living inspiration to others.

Shanique/Jeff  35:30  

Yeah, just be an example embody what you what you do everything that I speak about, I do I just live my truth and just share. Exactly. You know, I don’t think there’s too much to it. So yeah. And I think, again, I’m super grateful that I’ve been able to kind of build communities and be able to inspire people, something that I don’t take lightly. And I want to just continue doing that.

Unknown Speaker  35:52  

Thank you, Jeff. I’m glad to be a part of your community. And thank you so much for all of the invaluable information that you share. Truly, it is shifted my perspective, and you are definitely a gem in the wellness community. So thank you so so much.

Shanique/Jeff  36:10  

I appreciate that a lot. Appreciate the comments. And we  will be keeping our ears for that podcast, because I already know like all the information because they’re, like you said are so many topics that we cannot possibly cover today. But this is but this was definitely a great high level introduction. And I thank you, thank you. Thank you.

Jeff  36:33  

No problem. Appreciate that. Thanks for having me.

Shanique  36:35  

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. Again, I want to extend Many many thanks to Jeff for so willingly sharing wirh the Alchemized Glory community. Jeff’s ebook Eat More Plants is available on his website at the wealthofhealth.co.uk, which features several different plant based recipes along with their supplementary nutritional information. You can also connect with Jeff on Instagram or Twitter at Jeffreyboadi. I will have the resources mentioned in this episode linked in the show notes for reference as well. If you’d like to support the show, please consider giving us a five star rating. Additionally, subscribe to be notified of future episodes in your podcast provider. Share this episode with someone in a community that you think would benefit from this information. And until next time, I hope that you all take good care and be well peace

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